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How does a battery work?


    The role of the battery is to store electricity for future developing trend in the chemical reaction that occurs between the two dissimilar materials, such as e.g. positive and negative plates immersed in the electrolyte, ie. in the sulfuric acid solution and water.
    In a lead acid battery, the voltage is about 2 Volt per cell, for a total of 12 Volt. Electricity begins to flow from the battery just created circuit between the positive and negative terminals. This happens when any load that requires electricity, such as e.g. a radio, connected to the battery. Few of us know that a lead acid battery operates at a constant charge and discharge process. When a battery is connected with the load which requires electricity, such as the initiator of the vehicle then current flows from the battery and the battery begins to discharge.

     In the reverse process, the battery is charged when the current flows back to the battery thereby restoring the chemical difference between the plates. This occurs when driving without electricity consumers and the alternator returns power back to the battery. When the battery is discharged, the lead plates are chemically more similar to one another, the acid weakens and the voltage drops. At the end of the battery is discharged to such an extent that it can no longer provide electricity by appropriate voltage.

    You can recharge a depleted battery, feeding power back to the battery. A full charge restores the chemical difference between the plates and the battery is ready to perform at its optimum. This unique process discharge and charge the lead acid battery means that the energy can be recovered and leaves again and again. This process is known as cyclic capability of the battery.

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