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Diagnostic Checking Your Battery


   In the company "Evagelos I. & G. OE" having the appropriate expertise to the complexity of electric batteries in combination with experienced qualified staff we offer diagnosis of your vehicle's battery. Knowing better than anyone that the sales process
not simply accomplished by purchasing a battery of our stores you can come and give you a quick and easy free diagnosis of your vehicle battery, check alternator and contacts.

  The verification is done with a special tester-diagnostic machine that applies to all starter batteries 12V / 24V and controls the aging condition of the battery, the current performance and any damage that may have occurred. Also in case of an open type battery check the density and the amount of liquid on the batteries, and if the completion of liquid required.
An audit involves three stages were called not only the other battery and the vehicle itself because the path of the battery mount to the harmonious coexistence of battery - vehicle. This provides reliable results for battery performance through the full cardiogram this by checking:

  • Dynamo: Saying "dynamo" means the charging system of our vehicle. As important is to have a quality battery is equally important is to know that our vehicle's charging system is working properly and sufficiently charging our battery.
  •  Power loss control: In all vehicles, especially the latest models with the new electronic systems have been extra consumptions in which the power supply is made exclusively from the battery and therefore power losses occur.
  • Check battery contacts. The battery terminals have a tendency to oxidize and not allow it to get the correct power from the starter when starting the vehicle. For this reason you should always be the terminals contacts with the terminals clean and tight so as to always provide 100% of the force at the vehicle start.
So you have a quick and easy diagnostic test for whether your battery requires replacement or repair / charging and if your battery is judged that needs charging, the we no cost.

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